Registration > Registration conditions

Note: as places are limited, priority will be given to (1) authors of the articles selected by the reviewers and (2) invited speakers and presenters of funded projects in progress (selected by the chairs). It will be possible to attend online. Please use the registration form, and you will receive the video link a few days before the workshop.

How to register :

1/ create your account by clicking on the create an account link (top left)

- fill in the form with your email address, password and name, and submit.

- An e-mail will be sent automatically to your e-mail address asking you to click on a link to validate your creation.

2/ connect to your account and click on the register link

- you must fill in a registration form and validate your registration.

- a confirmation message will be sent to your e-mail account.

3/ log out of your account (button at top right, next to your name).

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