Call for papers


Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Conceptual analysis and ontology design for the Digital Humanities

  • Domain ontologies or conceptual models for different fields of Humanities
  • Methodological aspects of ontology development for the DH
  • Application of formal ontology theories in the DH
  • Case studies and lessons learnt from the use of standard ontologies (e.g. CIDOC-CRM)
  • Logical and ontological analysis of CIDOC-CRM or FRBR, e.g., with respect to foundational ontologies (DOLCE, UFO, BFO, etc.)
  • Philosophical and sociological analysis of digital models and modelling practices in DH
  • Social studies on the policies towards the standardisation of ontologies in DH

Semantic Web Technologies and Applications for Cultural Heritage

  • SW technologies for CH content creation, annotation and extraction
  • SW architectures and infrastructures for CH
  • Interoperability of CH collections
  • Applying the FAIR data principles to CH data 
  • CH knowledge graphs
  • Searching, querying and visualising CH data on the SW
  • Ontology-based access to CH data
  • Publishing CH data on the Web
  • Navigating through and browsing CH data on the Web
  • SW solutions for trust and provenance issues in CH
  • SW applications for digital libraries, museums, tourism, the creative industries, etc.


We will accept two different types of contributions:

  • Full papers for presenting original unpublished work, neither submitted to nor accepted for presentation at any other venue. Submitted *full papers* should be between 10 and 12 pages, including references.
  • Short papers for presenting work in progress, brief descriptions of doctoral theses, or general overviews of research projects. Submitted *short papers* should be between 6 and 8 pages, including references.

All contributions to the workshop must be submitted according to the 1-column CEUR-ART style format. The style files for this format are available at An Overleaf page is also available for LaTeX users:

Papers should be submitted in PDF format through this link:

Papers will be reviewed on the basis of their scientific merit, originality and relevance to the workshop. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three Program Committee members.

Diversity and inclusion statement. We kindly ask authors to adopt inclusive language in their papers and presentations ( and, and all participants to adopt a proper code on conduct (


Accepted papers will be published in a CEUR-WS volume. The proceedings are now available:

We will also organise a special issue on the topics of the workshop for the Semantic Web journal. Authors of accepted workshop papers will be encouraged to submit longer versions of their workshop papers to the special issue.

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